The AG AUTO CENTER platforms offer customers the opportunity to purchase car accessories, car paints, various tools and other automotive products from the comfort of their homes.
With the help of these online car centers, people can easily shop for items they need for their cars without leaving their homes. This gives customers both convenience and a wide range of product options.
If your car has any technical problems, AG Auto Center can provide diagnostic and repair services. This helps you maintain your car’s performance and safety. Car repair shops often employ experienced professionals and experts who can guide you in car maintenance and related matters.
If you need more specific information about “AG Auto Center”, you can visit their website to explore their offers, products, prices, shipping policies and customer reviews. This will give you a better understanding of their services and products.
URKI SEAL 3000 Polyuretan för fogar
Enkomponents polyuretanspackel som härdar snabbt genom reaktion med fukt i luften, har en god rostskyddseffekt och fungerar som ett vibrationsdämpande medel. Bra motståndskraft mot vatten, havsvatten, utspädda svaga syror och baser, smörjmedel och oljor. Den används inom fordonssektorn, ventilation, luftkonditionering, containrar, kylrum, husbilar, varvsindustrin, järnvägar, metallarbeten, konstruktion och underhåll i allmänhet. Den kan lämnas oskyddad. Vid ommålning slipa tidigare när det har polymeriserats. Måla inte om med syntet.
64 kr159 krexcl. VATURKI SEAL 3000 Polyuretan för fogar
64 kr159 krexcl. VAT -
URKI SEAL 4000 polyurethane for car windows
One-component polyurethane putty that hardens quickly by reaction with moisture in the air, forming an elastomer with high mechanical properties. It is specifically designed for quick window replacement, so that a vehicle is available in 3 hours under conditions of 23 °C and 50% relative humidity. Availability time increases for lower temperatures and humidity.
99 kr249 krexcl. VAT 60% offURKI SEAL 4000 polyurethane for car windows
99 kr249 krexcl. VAT 60% off -
URKI SEAL 4020 Primer för bilfönster
Svart primer som blir en hård, ogenomskinlig film när den torkat. Det underlättar vidhäftningen av polyuretanfogmassor och kan användas på olika underlag: glas, aluminium, betong, trä och plast.
Den kan också användas som en barriär mellan tätningsmedlet och färgen för att förhindra migrering av mjukgörare.
99 kr248 krexcl. VATURKI SEAL 4020 Primer för bilfönster
99 kr248 krexcl. VAT -
Polyester putty specially formulated with a composition of metallic pigments that gives it an even consistency. Designed for use in body shops to fill door corners and wheel arches, especially on older vehicles, smooth or fill PU panels when it is not possible to use conventional mastics due to their shrinkage, to fill joints deep in difficult areas where sheet metal coating is not Possible. possible, repair rust holes, around fuel fillers, exterior mirrors and entry areas, fill light dents and scratches in plastic bumpers and most plastic parts of the vehicle car.
585 kr1462 krexcl. VAT -
UHS acrylic enamel intended for painting or varnishing of vehicles, industrial and commercial vehicles, railways and machinery in low VOC processes, where a very high performance product is required. It has high coverage, elasticity, body, shine and resistance to weathering and aggressive atmospheres.
262 kr3283 krexcl. VATURKI VOC 2K ACRYLIC ENAMEL 9600
262 kr3283 krexcl. VAT -
199 kr – 258 kr excl. VAT
199 kr – 258 kr excl. VAT -